Store Locations & Coverage
Our main store is located in Kirkby Stephen with other stores available at Darlington, Leyburn, Penrith and Bentham. If you are unable to reach those locations, our travelling sales team cover the North-West of England.
Please see all the areas covered by our travelling sales team, each pin contains there contact details.

Laura Robinson
Darlington Store, Sales & RAMA*
Laura covers Teesdale and Weardale, and is available at the Darlington Auction on Monday/Thursday.
Telephone: +447703 336937

Luke Wilkson
Leyburn Store, Sales and RAMA*
Luke covers Swaledale area and is available at the Leyburn Auction on every Wednesday/Friday only.
Telephone: +447930 129055

Claire Thwaites
Bentham Store, Sales & RAMA*
Telephone: +447738 195189

Donna Thomspon
Sales & RAMA*
Telephone: +447964 464620
*RAMA: Responsible Animal Medicine Advisor, a legal category of professionally qualified persons who are entitled to prescribe and/or supply certain veterinary medicines under the Veterinary Medicines Regulations.